What is Inclusive Access?
- Inclusive Access (IA) is a collaboration between your professor, KU Campus Store, and the publisher of your materials. This was created to provide you with the least expensive way to purchase your materials, combined with the convenience of charging the materials to your tuition.
- The course materials your professor has chosen are delivered directly to you in a digital format through D2L.
- There is no need to purchase a print textbook for courses with Inclusive Access.
How do I pay for my materials?
- You have been charged for the course materials for this course on your tuition bill. If you added the course late you will be charged by the Office of Student Accounts which will reflect on your MyKU account.
How do I access my materials?
- You will receive an email from KU Campus Store with instructions for accessing your materials. Instructions can differ by publisher, so you may receive more than one set of instructions.
What if I don’t want to purchase my materials this way?
- You may Opt-Out of Inclusive Access by opting out via the email sent from KU Campus Store to your Kutztown University email account (this email is sent about a week prior to the start of classes). A link will be provided in the email that will direct you to a page where you select Opt- Out. If you choose to Opt-Out by the deadline, which is the last day of the add/drop period, your WCU account will be credited.
- You will not be able to Opt- Out after the add/drop period is over. Please keep in mind that this is the most cost effective way to purchase your materials. It is up to your discretion to purchase your course materials elsewhere should you Opt-Out.
I opted out by mistake and realized that I still need my access. Can I opt back in?
- You can opt back in during add/drop period. If you are opting back after add/drop, please email bookstore@kutztown.edu.
What if I forgot to opt out and missed the deadline?
- If you do not opt-out by the deadline, your Inclusive Access transaction is final. The deadline is the last day of the add/drop period.
I dropped the course. Do I still need to opt out?
- Students who drop the course before the end of add/drop will be automatically be credited through their MyKU account. This credit can take 3-5 business days to reflect on your MyKU account.
Who should I contact if I am having trouble with access to the online content?
- First, try the online help desk of the publisher for your course’s content. The publisher of your content should be listed in the initial email you received about your access. If you are unable to find who your publisher is, or if you are unable to get resolution from your publisher please contact the KU Campus Store at bookstore@kutztown.edu for further assistance.
What if I want a physical book?
- In most cases you also have the option of purchasing a print version of the textbook. Discounted print versions are available for purchase, for specific titles, directly through your Inclusive Access course material link, and in some cases, at KU Campus Store. This lower-cost version is only available to participating students, after the opt-out deadline. This purchase would be in addition to the cost of e-materials. You cannot opt out of Inclusive Access and buy a discounted print upgrade instead.
- KU Campus Store can also order regular priced print alternatives.